
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Life Is A Circle...

Wheels within wheels within wheels. Man, life is complicated.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Well, I guess life is a small world after all and sometimes it's filled with some very pleasent surprises.
I see hundreds of people in New York city everyday, some of them I talk to, others just pass by...and a couple I literally bump into. Most I never see again. What was the chance that we would meet again? What was the chance that we would love each other?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Well, after a little bit of thought, I've decided that since nobody actually reads this blog (aside from Kate) I can say whatever the hell I want. After all, if they don't read it then it can't bother them...right? this effect, I am hereby declaring today to be National Chimpanzee day: the day where chimpanzees hide in your closet untill you come home and then jump out at you and hit you over the head with inflated pig bladders. Yes...national chimpanzee day.

Since Kate's the only one who reads this (and her oppinion counts the most)...hopefully she'll read it and go: awwww...that's Zack for you...he's so sweet...

rather than: awww...that's Zack for you...he's so insaine...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Like an ocean...

There we are,
the sea and I,
I hear the sea
and the sea hears me,
untill we part ways
and I walk off
with the dawn. embarrassing. Ah well, I suppose it happens to the best of us.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Organic Politics

There is a theory called "the end of history theory" that says (in not so many words) that the development of history has ended. There aren't going to be any more significant historical changes from here on. History will keep happening, obviously...but it won't really be new history, and here is why. The premis of the theory is that democracy is the perfect (or as close as we are going to get) kind of government. What, you might ask, makes democracy so perfect. Well, for one thing when democracies fight wars, they almoast always win. They are much more stable than most other forms of government...which is to say that since the people get a say in what happens, they can get their grievances addresss without having to resort to civil war. Democracies are more producting economically and agriculturally, and they never fight each other (at least not yet) and go out of their way to spread democracy. So eventually we are looking at a world where everywhere is a democracy, there are no wars, and nothing happens. Sounds like the end of history to me.
It would be a good theory if it weren't for the fact that it's pure bullshit.
Politics and government are some kind of progession to a stable a radioactive element decaying untill it is stable. Rather that looking at politics as a progression, I prefer to take a more organic approach. Lets look at politics like it's evolution. Now, I'm going to explain what evolution is for those of us who didn't make it past eight grade because it would take way too long. But in short, evolution is natural selection (an ordered process) combined with chance. Now lets say that we start out with no government...just people wandering around...probably nude...doing their thing in familly groups. For a long time conditions favored this life people didn't cahnge. Then, conditions changed. Maybe somebody figured out how to grow food better (random chance) or maybe population densities got too high and societies that did find themselves governemtns fast dies off (natural selection). Anyway, conditions favored governemnt so people developed it. Well, conditions never ever, ever stay the same people changed their style of governemnt again. Eventually we get a feudal system...whcih looks like it's a really stupid way to live when compared with democracy...and in the modern world under modern conditions it would be. But conditions were differnt back then...for example, people faced threats that came sporadically and without any warning. A large democratic style beuracracy would not be aable to respond in time to protect it's people...but if you have local military forces scattered all around the place who are authroized to act on their own and highly trained (knights) then people will be much safer. But then conditions changed again and feudal societies were outcompeted by nation states, which didn't need to protect themselves from lots of little threats but rather from larege, centralized threats. These nation states became democracies, which outcompete other forms of governemnt like communist countries and dictatorships. Anyway, the point of long rant is that democracy is favored...for now, but one thing that you can always count on is that conditions will always change and once they do, then something else will be selected for.
If you want to look at an example of democracy's fallibility, then take a peek weimar Germany. It was probably the most democratic country ever...and we all know how well that turned out, now don't we. Sometimes democracy is liberating...and sometimes it's just giving a mildly psychotic mob just enough rope to hang itself with.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My forehead was crossed with water today.
Should I feel differnt from before?
Do I?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day

Ahhhh...Valentine's day. Really, I think that the day is a good idea...not so much because it gives couples a day to celebrate their love for each other (they should do that every day) but because it gives guys a day to remine us just how wonderful women are. Seriously, imagine a life without women. Looks pretty bleak doesn't it. So a be thankful for women on Valentine's day, gentelmen...after all, what would we do without them (besides masturbate a lot...).
I know I'd rather not imagine where I would be without one woman in particular, because Kate Ponte is the most intelligent, wonderful, and beautiful woman on this earth, and I love her with all my heart.

So, bottoms up to love everyone.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Winter Formal

We had the Winter Formal on Friday, which was a lot of fun. I got to dress up in my suit and tie and Kate went in her dress and looked absolutely gorgeous in it.

"Dancing is the vertical expression of a horizontal desire."
--Kate Ponte, who may or may not have been
quoting someone else at the time.

Snow; pure, pristene snow. Alright...I guess I'm ready for spring now.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The good life

Hehehe...Now that's what I call satisfaction. I feel like the proverbial cat that just got into the cream....and so does a certin kitty-kat of my aquaintance.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Spring Rains...

It's raining like heck down here in Muhlenberg Land. The weather is so warm, I feel like spring has sprung already. The thing is, spring is going to happen in a couple of weeks anyway...I'm not sure we have any winter left. Still, I enjoy this kind of weather, and I complain that I don't get nearly enough of it every year, so I guess I should stop wishing for snow and enjoy it.
I went to an awsome party with kate last night and had a great time. It was a small get-together, which is fine by me. The best parties are the ones where it's just you and couple friends...rather than half a hundred people. Unfortunately, I had to get upearly early for training this morning, since the college has decided to hire me as a peer tutor. EMT class is good (I just took my first test, and I'm pretty sure I did well) and with a bit of luck, I may become an EMT yet. I'm gonna go bowling tonight with Kate, Kyle, Scott, and Sam (Scott's brand-new girlfriend) which should be intersting as I haven't bowled since I was about ten.

It looks like spring rains
Will wash wishes for winter
Away, leaving mud.