
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Psychosis?...or maybe just insane?

Everything was quiet today as I was walking home from work through the park. The birds were chirping, and the air was hot and muggy with just the vaguest promise of a wind. I was surrounded by the quiet babble of hundreds of people living their lives; talking to each other, talking on their cellphones, sighing over a long day or work.
When suddenly the stillness was shattered when an old man sitting on a bench next to me started screaming, "I'm the King, AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!" to no in particular.
I guess everyone has their own reality. Since reality is mostly a painting that we paint within our minds, what makes my reality more valid than his? Of course, if I wanted to I could go around and ask other people and they would of course confirm my own perception of reality to me. So is it other people's perceptions of reality that gives credence to our own then?
And also, what were the chances that he would decide to have a psychotic episode at exactly the same moment as I was walking past him and talking to my girlfriend on the phone?

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Bah Humbug!

Well, I don't know what happened, but my social life seems to have suddenly caught a cold and died. Oh that's I remember, work started.
The funny things is, work doesn't take long at all. There's no reason why I shouldn't hang out with people or whatever after I'm done...except for the fact that I tend to find myself going home and lieing down and relaxing instead of going out and chilling with friends. I dunno...maybe it's just coincidence the work started around the time I stopped hanging out with people...but that doesn't seem too likely.
Ahh well, it's a good job and I need the money. I really shouldn't complain since I like the job and would rather be doing it than anything else. Still sometimes I have to complain even when i shouldn't...otherwise I get all mopy and bitter. So there you have it.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Sunshiny Day

Nothing to do.
Nothing to say.
No way
the sunshine's
gonna let the rain
through today.
Because it's hot!
And Damn,
could I use
a glass of water.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Good Times

Well, I just had an amazing weekend with Kate. I can't begin to say how relieving it was to see her again. Being able to talk to her after she got back from Costa Rica was great...but was nothing compared to how I felt when i actually saw her again. We didn't really do much; mostly we just hung out around her room and enjoyed each other's company, which suited me just fine.
I did managed to meet one of her friends though...actually, there's wasn't much meeting involved. I got to watch him cast people and that was just about that. Kate was trying out for a part and he was casting, but we left after the audition since Kate wasn't feeling very well.
I'm pretty sure that I've had experiences as wonderfull as having her run up to me and hug me as I walked into the train station...I just can't remember any of them.
It's just another three days until we get to see each other again and I can't wait.
Being with her in Connecticut was great, but I can't wait to show her around New York again.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Dvil's Day!

SO, today's date june sixth, 2006. Or, 6/6/6.



...along with assorted other evil things.

Every number in the Greek (or maybe it's Latin) alphabet has a corresponding number. The numbers of all of the letter's in the name Nero Ceaser (spelled in Greek--or Latin--of course) add up to 666. Nero was said to have been the antichrist by Christians, mainly because he went out of his way to make them miserable, and when John of Patmos wrote the book of revelation's he wrote it in code so that only certain people would understand it. In Revelations John refer's to Nero by the number 666 as a part of the Code. Thus, since the Number 666 represents Nero, and Nero represents the Devil, 666 is the devil's number.


Thus today is the devil's day. What does this entail? Well, let me tell you...
My own personal interpretation is that is that it means that all evil stuff that we read about in stories...the stuff of your worst nightmares is going to walk the world tonight. You see, there will an extra hour before the days ends, the thirteenth hour (THE DEVIL'S HOUR!) and that is when it will happen. Luckilly for all of us, a host of angels will descend from heaven and beat the bejeezus out of them untill they return to Hell...and we will all wake up the next morning completely unaware that it ever happened.
Well, that's my interpretation. It might be a bit more valid if I actually believed in any of this.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Starship Troopers

Most people know the title Starship Troopers as a mediocre sci-fi movie that got released a few years ago. What most people don't know is that the movie is based on a very, very good book. I read the book back when I was little and had the time to read through a book every couple of days. Now I just went back and decided to reread it. Even back in the day--when I was too young for it, if truth be told--I knew that it was a good book. What I was too young to figure out was that it was also a very elegant essay about morality, the function and ordering of the state, and the purpose and design of the military. In it's own way the book exists to make a point in the same way that 1984 does.
What is impressive is that the book manages to do this and still be interesting.
Needless to say, very few of these points made it into the movie.

Friday, June 02, 2006


So...I started work at the Museum of Natural History in the MEEP program today.
You'd think from the name of the program that I would be doing some kind of illegal mad-scientist style research with sheep or something...but sadly, I'm just leading tours. Nothing so exciting.
However, all the people there are really nice and I've made some friends already. The work itself is pretty good too, and the hours aren't bad either. All in all, I'd say I landed a pretty sweet deal for the summer.
Now I just need to get a chance to see Kate again and all will be right with my world.