Everyone is angry at the Pope. Why? Because he said something that is true.
I'm not talking about the Islam being evil part (although certain extremist sects can sometimes do a pretty good impression of it) but when he says that Islam was spread through violence this is a simple matter of fact. Quite frankly I don't care what your oppinion happens to be because what you think has absolutely no effect on what actually happened. Now, it may not be politically correct to point this but that doesn't change the truth.
In case you doubt me, here is me evidence.
After Muhammed and his followers were driven out of Mecca they began to wage what would today be termed a geurilla war against caravans going to and from Mecca, raiding them and killing those on them to take their supplies.
When Muhammed had finally converted enough people to retake Mecca, he return and smashed all of the smaller idols around the Ka'abah, declaring that they were false and that people should only worship Allah--does this sound like the first hints of religious repression to anyone other than me? Also, the only reason why the people of Mecca let him in was that he returned at the head of an army and would have crushed the city had they not done so.
In the years follwong Muhammed's death the Muslim faith conquored the rest of the Arabian Penninsula through force and began to extend along the coast of Africa and in the middle east where they waged war on the resident Christians, mainly those living in Spain, on the African Coast, and in the Byzantine Empire.
Does anyone think that Byzantium fell by itself? Muslim armies took Constantinople and renamed it Istanbule before they marched up the Balkans before they were just barely turned back at the gates of Vienna by Polish hussars.
So anyone who says that Islam didn't spread through violence is either delirious, uneduacted, or catering to the current trend of political correctness in which case they are, as the French say, "a species of idiot."
I haven't read anymore of the Pope's transcript than what I can find quoted in news reparts since the Vatican is charing people to publish it (which is clearly an attempt to keep it from circulating, but given the reaction that they are getting, I don't blame them) but from what I have read, the Pope hasn't said anything that isn't true in principle. I'm neither a catholic nor am I a fan or the new Pope, but while I don't particularly like him, I do defend his right to say what is true even if it does offend people.
Now, I'm not saying that there haven't been ugly epsodes in Christian history, but that doesn't change the fact that Islam had a violent beggining, and is just as violent in the modern day. Yes, Chrstians have had dark spots such as the Crusades (although I might add that the holy land was Christian to begin with before Islam conquored it) and the conquest of the New World, but Islam has had just as many. The fact is that these day Christianity is fairly peacfull while Islam is going through a violent stage. There are people who protest that this is not so, but I don't see any evidence to the contrary. The Yom Kippur war wasn't very peacful, was it? The 9/11 attacks were religiously motivated as is much of the violence in the middle east. It hasn't been very long since Hezzbolah stoped launching rockets into Israel, now has it? Further more, for further evidence just look at the responce to the Pope's speech. Five Christian churches, many of them not even catholic, were attacked in Yemen in retaliation against the Pope's remarks, and I'm sure there wasw other violence elsewhere. Regardless of whether the Pope is right or not, I don't go around attacking people just because they offend me. If anything, these people are proving the point that they are accusing him of making (which, incidently isn't actually what he said). It's not as though these elements of the Muslim populaiton are responding with reason to this.
Now, some people will say that these are just radical elements of the Islamic faith and that they do not truly represent Islam...but the fact of the matter is they do. Islam isn't just the perfectly thoughtful, peacful muslims, it's the angry radicals too. Islam is all of Islam, not just the good parts...The same is true of Christianity and Judaism.