
Monday, May 08, 2006

Chemistry Debriefing

Alright, so my chemistry final wasn't quite the spawn of the prince of darkness that I expected it to be. I'm glad I studied as much as I did (I'd say I put at least 30-48 hours of studying into that thing over the course of the past five days) because other people who studied less came out looking like they wanted someone to shoot them. Even though I studied as much I did, there were still some questions that puzzled me. There's aten point curve built into the final, so I'm pretty sure I got my B-. Which means that I haven't been knocked out of the running for being a doctor just yet. I'd say that another twnety five of us didn't make it past general chemistry that leaves seventy five people for me to compete with. Of the seventy five of us, only a quarter will make it to med. I still have a long way to go.

What is Yet to Come:
Next hurdle is the Bio only counts as much as a regular test (since lab counts for so much). Now, Bio is my good subject (unlike Chemistry, which was invented by the gods to torture and agonize me) but the Bio proffessor is a bit odd, and consequently, his tests are rather odd too. The best example that I can give to explain them is that taking them is a bit like living in ahouse designed by someone on drugs: there are doors that open into walls, windows that open into walls, staircases that don't go anywhere, and doors that just open into thin air, etc.
So yeah...we'll see how that one goes.


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