Physical Predestination
Predestination. First proposed by the Calvinists, it's the idea that you have no control over your future. The idea that GOD knows everything and is all powerful and has seen--no, has decided--what you are, what you will be, and ultimately what will become of you. In the terms of rennaisance Europe this translates directly into the idea that it is GOD and GOD alone who decides your salvation. Furthermore, He decides based on criteria that we can't possibly understand, and decides before you are even born. He decides, at the moment He houses your soul in your body wether or not it deserves redemption...and there is nothing you can do about it throughout your life because your soul is, in the eyes of GOD, inherrently good or evil.
Well, I don't know if I believe in that kind of GOD...maybe I believe in God....or maybe just in god. I'm not sure what you'd call it.
But I have news for you...the calvinists may have been out in the cold when it comes to the true nature of God, but they may have been on the right track when they were talking about predestination. It's not an almighty GOD that decides your fate don't get the comfort of knowing that your fate was chosen by a higher purpose, it was decided by something much, much more powerful: simple physics.
A long, long time ago in a galaxy not particularly far away, a universe was born. In less than a second it exploded from a state so dense we can't even begin to comprehend it to being a million light-years across. Everything was created then and there. That primordial state of a universe so saturated with energy that everything in it practiclly glowed with it was our garden of eden, and in that instant everything was decided.
The fabric of space grew, like a room that gets larger from one minute to the next, and everything--every atom, every loop of energy, every compund--left this garden with it's fate predestined. They left with an initial velocity, and an energy state, and every other charcteristic that they need to decide your fate right now. You see, if everything gets going in a certain direction with a certain speed then it is only a matter of time and mathematics before it interacts with another thing, and so on and so forth. In this way stars were formed, and out of a giant, interstellar cloud of fiery gas our sun and our very own Mother Earth were born, as had to happen given the fact that physics and mathematics determined at some point that it must. Just because something appears random does not make it's path has been determined by the events that have happened to it before, which were in turn decided by the THE EVENT, the big bang, in the very begining. The chemistry of matter was what made life occur on Earth four and a half billion years ago, but when you take chemistry and strip it down to it's most basic principles upon which everything else is founded, chemistry turns into physics. So ultimately, it was the physics of the molecules on our prehistoric Earth that dictated how and where and when life would occur. It seems as though life escapes this pattern, doesn't it? Animals seem to make their own choices and we are no exception. However, what most people do not know is that life, and even thought, reduces to chemistry, which as I just stated reduces to physics.
Allow me to explain. In the most basic organisms "decisions" are essentially a form of stimulus and responce: something happens and a series of chemical reactions within the organism decides how it responds. This is just as true for more complicated for organisms such as our selves. Even thought and sentience is, at it's most basic level, chemistry occuring within the neurons that comprise the are memories. Now, the matter that forms the chemicals of your brain was created in the big bang and it left with all of it's properties decided just like everything else, as did everything that ever interacted with any other part of your body, the bodies of your progenitors, and of every other living thing on earth. Since thought is determined by chemistry, and chemistry depends ultimately on physics, then it is physics that determines what you think both consciously and unconsciously; the physics of whatever the stimulus is and the physics of your neuron's responce to it. Since what you think determiesyour actions, everything you or anyone else has ever thought, said or done, and thus everything that has ever happened in our history was determined by the properties that those initial particles of matter took with them from the big bang. Your reaction to what you have just read was determined fifteen billion years before your were born, as was the fact that you would read it. If you chose to read every single word of this long explanation, then that was decided at the initial moment of our universes creation as were any lines that you chose to skip, and if you didn't make it to the end of this post and will never read these words, then that was decided too.
Now I will tell you that I have just said is true. Every line of reasoning i have put into this is not in any way incorrect, and yet despite that I can tell you with a fair degree of confidence that your future is the result of your actions and choices. Your thoughts are your own and were not decided at our genesis all those long years ago, despite everything that I have said being true. Or at least, there is the possibility that it is not true, and that is enough for me. Your freedom rests on one single reason; one single aspect of life in particular and our universe in general that may free you form predestination. I know what it is, but I'm curious to see if anyone alse can think of it or perhaps think of others. So I would like to encourage you to post your thoughts on the matter to see what you think. I will give my own explanation in a bit.
Actually, predestination is the idea that some people are born to go to hell no matter how they behave on earth, and some have a chance to go to heaven if they don't screw up, and it's impossible to know if you even have a shot at it.
Yeah, I know...but I didn't want to go into a long explanation, and it made for a cool introduction to my main point.
My reasoning is very simple. System are more than just the sum of their parts. By taking things and putting them together to create a more complicated system, it developes charachteristic of it's own which in turn influence the characteristics of their components.
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