Well, I'm back at Muhlenberg and I've had all of my courses at least once. Chemistry is a bit of a dissapointment A: because its chemistry, and B: because I went from being taught by a veritable chem God last semester to being taught by a doddering old man. Biology, however, looks like its going to be awsome and so does Intro. to Comparative Government and International Relations. The proffessors in both those classes are hilarious. Really, that's the best way to teach...if you can make it a little bit funny, then its so much easier to learn. The fact that I like the subject helps too, I'm sure...
Otherwise, PE is looking like everything I was afraid it was going to be and more. The class is divided up into two portions: fitness and wellness. The fitness portion looks kind of cool, and I'm looking forward to it. Basically they take us to the gym and make us work out for a while...which is fine by me. I've been meaning to start working out on a daily basis anyway. However, I don't have fitness untill the end of the semester; right now I'm in wellness which is basically a health program. I wouldn't mind so much if the teacher wasn't CRAZY! She's the soccer coach and takes the subject waaaaay to seriously for my own good. When we got tehre she talked about how you'd better pay attention and pass the course because she has "no problem with failing sophmores, juniors, even seniors who need to pass if they want to graduate." Why couldn't i have had one of the other teachers who basically tells their students that they need to show up to class...and that's really enough. I've had some friends who had them last semester...so I know they're there. I just wasn't lucky enough to get one of them. Finally, I have Intro. to Psychology; the teacher seems kind of annoying, but the subject matter seems interesting...so we'll see.
ooo, HTML problems... tsk.
Eventually, you should get yourself a stat counter.
but yay! blogger is awesome!
I think blogger was being weird for a moment, because I refreshed the page and now it looks fine.
Oh, and here's how to link: Link (click here to get to site)
Take out the exclamation points. I put them in so that it wouldn't make a link, so you could see the HTML.
shit, that didn't work. oops.
Sorry Veronica, I think you'll have to show me in person. I'm hopeless with computers...
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